May 19, 2014
Charleston is one of Donna’s favorite places to visit.
The town is still great, but this marina facility is not going to make it to my
list of favorites. Don’t get me wrong,
it seems to have a lot of pluses, but it does have one big drawback. The marina
has about 20 transient slips, a cordial and courteous staff, fuel and pumpout
facilities and rates lower than the marinas on the Ashley River side. It is also
within walking distance to a grocery, hardware store, restaurants and the
historic district. So what’s the drawback? Wake/wave action in the basin/slips.
It’s constant and at times violent! Combine a NE wind, lots of fetch on the
river and ferry wakes and you could get seasick right in your slip. Sleep restfully at night? Only in the wee hours of the morning. Work on the
engine this morning? FUGEDABOUTIT!
That said and thinking things would quiet down in the evening;
we decided to go sightseeing instead of looking at the engine. We did our
version of a walking tour of the city including historic sites, churches,
graveyards, the retail shops and restaurants along Market St, King St, Meeting
Street and the Harris Teeter market near the marina.
Back at the boat after a long day of sightseeing and shopping, I tackled the engine. I
removed all the belts and started the engine. The darn noise was still there.
Now the noise seemed to be coming from the recesses of the dark backside of the
engine compartment. Enough work for me today. To quote the oft used phrase, “Tomorrow
is another day”.
Location: Charleston Maritime Center, Charleston, SC, MM
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