Shortly after arriving in Stuart, our friend Larry rented a car and drove his crew home to VA. Instead of flying back, he drove his van. This was good because it meant we had real transportation; it was bad because it curtailed our walking and biking. The first dilemma started one morning when Larry announced he was going home for Christmas (to see grand-kids) and asked if we wanted to come along and share the driving and expenses. To me it was a no-brainer, I was on my boat in sunny, warm FL having a blast and it was so-so cold way back home. For Donna, who had never missed a Christmas with her family, it was a different story. OK, so fast forward a couple of days and we're driving north hoping to make a surprise visit to our families. It was fun surprising our families and we had a great time. The Admiral is always right.
The next dilemma was whether to wait and return with Larry or fly back. Another command decision and we're driving south in our land yacht. Now we have a boat and car in FL and the new lifestyle changes a bit.
Dec 2007 - Buddy finally adapts...a little!

He also made new friends. This one pelican seemed to delight in teasing him by floating close by the boat. He would also run all about to see the dolphins as they fed in the morning. We finally became more comfortable with Buddy running about the deck especially after his one and only splash down.
December 2007 - A new routine develops.
Since this is all being added after-the-fact (learning this blogging stuff), the next few entries will provide a little insight into how we spent the winter in Florida.
A typical routine begins to take shape. Sleeping-in however isn't in the cards. Any number of things seems to wake Dick. Buddy insisting on being feed at first light, local crabbers motoring by, dinghies headed to shore and dolphins venting next to the boated top the list of wake-up alarms. Sleeping with the boat wide open in December, who would have thought it. The alarms for Donna are always the same; Dick clattering about in the galley and then the smell of coffee.
Life has begun to revolve around the dinghy. It's our connection to shore for socializing, shopping, laundry, showers, and most importantly, knowledge. Slowly we begin to develop new friendships with other "snowbirds" and liveaboards who are also "living on the ball". As newbies, we have a tremendous thirst for information about anything that will make our new lifestyle easier and more enjoyable. The anchorage lounge became a daily stop for coffee, wifi connection, socializing and knowledge. Knowledge is, as everyone knows, a powerful thing, but in boating it can also be expensive as you will see later.
A typical routine begins to take shape. Sleeping-in however isn't in the cards. Any number of things seems to wake Dick. Buddy insisting on being feed at first light, local crabbers motoring by, dinghies headed to shore and dolphins venting next to the boated top the list of wake-up alarms. Sleeping with the boat wide open in December, who would have thought it. The alarms for Donna are always the same; Dick clattering about in the galley and then the smell of coffee.
Life has begun to revolve around the dinghy. It's our connection to shore for socializing, shopping, laundry, showers, and most importantly, knowledge. Slowly we begin to develop new friendships with other "snowbirds" and liveaboards who are also "living on the ball". As newbies, we have a tremendous thirst for information about anything that will make our new lifestyle easier and more enjoyable. The anchorage lounge became a daily stop for coffee, wifi connection, socializing and knowledge. Knowledge is, as everyone knows, a powerful thing, but in boating it can also be expensive as you will see later.
Day 30, Monday, November 26, 2007
We’re up at 0530. We made coffee and had a good breakfast. After that I did a dinghy run in to shore to dump the trash and turn in the shower keys. It was a beautiful morning in the basin.
We got underway about 0730. We got a little help from the end of the tide cycle but it did not last long. Next it was the tide against us and then the wind filled in against us too. As the wind increased to 15+, out boat speed dropped to 5 mph or less. It became a long day.
We got underway about 0730. We got a little help from the end of the tide cycle but it did not last long. Next it was the tide against us and then the wind filled in against us too. As the wind increased to 15+, out boat speed dropped to 5 mph or less. It became a long day.
We finally arrived at the St. Lucie Inlet “Crossroads” where we turned off the ICW (MM987) and started up the St. Lucie River. There were lots and lots of very big multimillion dollar homes on the shoreline of the river. We even got to motor sail with the jib for a while. We had to pass under three bridges, two fixed high rise and one bascule. Just past the third bridge was our new “home port”, the mooring field of Southpoint Anchorage in Stuart, FL. We contacted the office via the VHF and got our mooring assignments. We picked up #82 and Larry is on #81. Day-O said so long and continued on to their condo/dock a couple of miles further up river. Our GPS trip odometer said we had traveled 1040 miles since leaving Portsmouth, VA.
We celebrated our arrival with a few drinks and sat on deck in the warmth just enjoying the views and a great sense of accomplishment. At dusk we went below and fixed dinner. Later Donna played on the computer and I sat out in the cockpit. In time exhaustion overtook us both and we fell asleep. Later, I awoke, went below, woke Donna and we both crawled into the V-berth and went back to sleep. It was a wonderfully peaceful night.
Location: Southpoint Anchorage, Stuart, FL. ICW marker: 987. Today’s progress: 43 Statute Miles
Total Distance Traveled: 1040 miles.
Weather Holds: 4 days
Sightseeing: 2 days (1 day and 2 half days)
Actual travel: 25 days
Average mileage per travel day: 42 Statute Miles
Looking West
Day 29, Sunday, November 25, 2007
Up at 0530 for coffee and breakfast and then we got underway at 0730. It was another boring day of following the magenta line through the shallow waters. We ran into a heavy rain storm about five miles from our destination, Vero Beach. We arrived about 1400, stopped at the fuel dock, took on fuel and water and then moved to a mooring where we rafted together with Whisper and Day-O. Larry’s dinghy motor would not start so once the boats were secured together, we put our dinghy in the water and took Larry and Judy in so they could shower. After everyone had showered, friends of Larry, Walter and Maggie came with 2 cars and drove us to dinner at the Ocean Grill. We had a great meal and a good time. They took us back to the marina where we dinghied back to our boats.
While we were gone Buddy dragged out his bag of dry cat food and helped himself. After we cleaned up his mess, we watched a little TV and fell asleep. Later another rain shower woke us up so we closed the ports and hatches and now I am writing this log note before I turn in for the evening. We’re almost to Stuart where we will stop for a week or two.
Location: Vero Beach, FL moorings at ICW MM 952. Today’s progress: 34 Statute Miles
While we were gone Buddy dragged out his bag of dry cat food and helped himself. After we cleaned up his mess, we watched a little TV and fell asleep. Later another rain shower woke us up so we closed the ports and hatches and now I am writing this log note before I turn in for the evening. We’re almost to Stuart where we will stop for a week or two.
Location: Vero Beach, FL moorings at ICW MM 952. Today’s progress: 34 Statute Miles
Day 28, Saturday, November 24, 2007
No sleeping late this morning…up at 0530. Showered and then coffee and breakfast. After that I commenced to clean the bird poop off the dodger, bimini and sail cover.
Around 0745 I jumped in the rental car to return it to Enterprise. When I arrived there I found they opened at 0900 on Saturdays. With time to spare, I went back to the marina and did more to get the boat ready to depart. Day-O and Whisper had already left.
I took the car back at 0900 and we finally got underway about 0930 hours. We used the jib and averaged 6.3 mph over the 40 miles to the next anchorage at MM 918. When we arrived Whisper and Day-O had already put their dinghies in the water so we took a ride with Larry and Judy. We rode about the anchorage but never could find a place to put ashore safely because of the rock rip rap. Larry finally took us back to our boat.
We fixed some dinner and Donna enjoyed a few games of Mahjongg on the new computer.
Location: Melbourne Bridge anchorage at ICW MM 918. Today’s progress: 40 Statute Miles
Around 0745 I jumped in the rental car to return it to Enterprise. When I arrived there I found they opened at 0900 on Saturdays. With time to spare, I went back to the marina and did more to get the boat ready to depart. Day-O and Whisper had already left.
I took the car back at 0900 and we finally got underway about 0930 hours. We used the jib and averaged 6.3 mph over the 40 miles to the next anchorage at MM 918. When we arrived Whisper and Day-O had already put their dinghies in the water so we took a ride with Larry and Judy. We rode about the anchorage but never could find a place to put ashore safely because of the rock rip rap. Larry finally took us back to our boat.
We fixed some dinner and Donna enjoyed a few games of Mahjongg on the new computer.
Location: Melbourne Bridge anchorage at ICW MM 918. Today’s progress: 40 Statute Miles
Day 27, Friday, November 23, 2007 (Black Friday)
We slept late if you can call 0700 late. We did breakfast and then I called Enterprise to rent a car. We had them pick us up at the marina. We needed to replace the dead computer and reconnect with the world. What better day for deals than Black Friday! We headed out to do some shopping.
Walter went fishing with a relative who lives close by. Maggie, Judy and Larry did not want to go shopping so they went for a long walk and hung around the marina the rest of the day.
Donna found a Staples and we bought a new computer. Then we found a BJ’s Wholesale club and restocked some items. We stopped at Barnes and Nobles to give Donna a book and magazine fix. We also found a West Marine and exchanged the inverter we had bought in Morehead City. On the way back to the boat we saw a Wal-Mart so we stopped and got more supplies for us and Larry.
Later that evening we packed everyone into the car and went to the Dixie Crossing Restaurant. Six people in a sub-compact is a hoot, especially with Maggie being the navigator. The restaurant was crowded, obviously a locals favorite. The meals were plentiful and good. Back at the marina, everyone returned to their own boat.
Unfortunately the wind, which had been picking up all day, kept us pitching about until almost midnight. The space heater was keeping things warm inside so after midnight sleep came easy.
Walter went fishing with a relative who lives close by. Maggie, Judy and Larry did not want to go shopping so they went for a long walk and hung around the marina the rest of the day.
Donna found a Staples and we bought a new computer. Then we found a BJ’s Wholesale club and restocked some items. We stopped at Barnes and Nobles to give Donna a book and magazine fix. We also found a West Marine and exchanged the inverter we had bought in Morehead City. On the way back to the boat we saw a Wal-Mart so we stopped and got more supplies for us and Larry.
Later that evening we packed everyone into the car and went to the Dixie Crossing Restaurant. Six people in a sub-compact is a hoot, especially with Maggie being the navigator. The restaurant was crowded, obviously a locals favorite. The meals were plentiful and good. Back at the marina, everyone returned to their own boat.
Unfortunately the wind, which had been picking up all day, kept us pitching about until almost midnight. The space heater was keeping things warm inside so after midnight sleep came easy.
Day 26, Thursday, November 22, 2007 (Thanksgiving Day)
We’re up at the usual 0500 to do coffee and breakfast. We depart the marina about 0700 under really cloudy skies and a little bit of wind. We are hoping the predicted rain and thunderstorms stay north of us today.
We have reservations at the Titusville City Marina where we plan to have a “Turkey Day” pot luck dinner. At 1100 we had only come 21 miles, bucking wind and tide all the way. We finally get into Titusville and find our assigned slips are already taken so we just take other vacant slips.
After docking everyone headed for the showers and then we all got together for Thanksgiving dinner aboard Whisper. It was a great meal that included roast port, sausage & cabbage, spinach salad, veggies and chili. For desert we had two great big chocolate chip cookies that Donna baked in our oven. Walter and Maggie’s sister-in-law also brought over half a spice cake too. Everyone was so full, we finally retired to our own boats hoping for a restful nights sleep.
Location: Titusville Municipal Marina, Titusville, FL at ICW MM 878. Today’s progress: 47 Statute Miles
We have reservations at the Titusville City Marina where we plan to have a “Turkey Day” pot luck dinner. At 1100 we had only come 21 miles, bucking wind and tide all the way. We finally get into Titusville and find our assigned slips are already taken so we just take other vacant slips.
After docking everyone headed for the showers and then we all got together for Thanksgiving dinner aboard Whisper. It was a great meal that included roast port, sausage & cabbage, spinach salad, veggies and chili. For desert we had two great big chocolate chip cookies that Donna baked in our oven. Walter and Maggie’s sister-in-law also brought over half a spice cake too. Everyone was so full, we finally retired to our own boats hoping for a restful nights sleep.
Location: Titusville Municipal Marina, Titusville, FL at ICW MM 878. Today’s progress: 47 Statute Miles
Day 25, Wednesday, November 21, 2007
We’re up early so we can have breakfast and be at the fuel dock about 0630. We took on fuel and departed the fuel dock at 0650. Destination today is an anchorage near Daytona Beach.
The wind piped up and the anchorage candidates seemed iffy so we opted for a marina tonight. We stopped at the Halifax Harbor Marina just past the Memorial Bridge in Daytona. We traveled 54 miles arriving about 1630. All three boats are on the T-head of J-dock. It has been a glorious day weather wise, however the trip was tiring and boring at times. There appears to be lots of open water here, but the problem is that you are stuck in a small channel with about 9’ of water and there is lots of water on either side that is only 1-3’ deep.
We have cocktails and noshes for everyone on our boat tonight. Larry and Judy decide to go to a restaurant for dinner while the rest of us have dinner on our own boats. Donna and I cooked steak on the grill.
Buddy jumped ship when everyone was leaving Ninkasi. Fortunately we found him several finger piers up from us. He was trying to board a big powerboat named “Top Cat”. Traitor!
Location: Halifax Harbor Marina, Daytona Beach, FL at ICW MM 831. Today’s progress: 53 Statute Miles
The wind piped up and the anchorage candidates seemed iffy so we opted for a marina tonight. We stopped at the Halifax Harbor Marina just past the Memorial Bridge in Daytona. We traveled 54 miles arriving about 1630. All three boats are on the T-head of J-dock. It has been a glorious day weather wise, however the trip was tiring and boring at times. There appears to be lots of open water here, but the problem is that you are stuck in a small channel with about 9’ of water and there is lots of water on either side that is only 1-3’ deep.
We have cocktails and noshes for everyone on our boat tonight. Larry and Judy decide to go to a restaurant for dinner while the rest of us have dinner on our own boats. Donna and I cooked steak on the grill.
Buddy jumped ship when everyone was leaving Ninkasi. Fortunately we found him several finger piers up from us. He was trying to board a big powerboat named “Top Cat”. Traitor!
Location: Halifax Harbor Marina, Daytona Beach, FL at ICW MM 831. Today’s progress: 53 Statute Miles
Day 24, Tuesday, November 20, 2007
We departed the anchorage at Pine Island at 0745. It was a short 13 miles to St. Augustine. We caught the 0930 opening at the Lions Bridge and stopped at the Municipal Marina. After a quick shower we went off to visit the city. We all had pizza and beer at Pizza Alley and it was really good. The ladies then went shopping and the guys went rummaging at the used boat parts store, Sailor’s Exchange.
Later Donna and I walked back to the tourist area and got an ice cream. Back at the boat we watched a little TV and fell asleep.
Location: Saint Augustine, FL at ICW MM 778. Today’s progress: 13 Statute Miles
Day 23, Monday, November 19, 2007
We get up around 0500 and have coffee and breakfast. Day-O departed around 0645, but we did not get underway until 0730 and played catch up all day. It was mostly cloudy so it remained chilly most of the day. We caught the current on the way to Fernandina but it began working against us from there to the St. Johns River. There we got a real boost and rode the incoming tide all the way to Pine Island. We managed to sail with the jib and make good time.
We anchored near Pine Island around 1615 and then had drinks and diner aboard Whisper. We discussed plans for the next day and decided to stopover in St. Augustine.
Location: Pine Island anchorage at ICW MM 765. Today’s progress: 54 Statute Miles
We anchored near Pine Island around 1615 and then had drinks and diner aboard Whisper. We discussed plans for the next day and decided to stopover in St. Augustine.
Location: Pine Island anchorage at ICW MM 765. Today’s progress: 54 Statute Miles
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