Day 30, Monday, November 26, 2007

We’re up at 0530. We made coffee and had a good breakfast. After that I did a dinghy run in to shore to dump the trash and turn in the shower keys. It was a beautiful morning in the basin.

We got underway about 0730. We got a little help from the end of the tide cycle but it did not last long. Next it was the tide against us and then the wind filled in against us too. As the wind increased to 15+, out boat speed dropped to 5 mph or less. It became a long day.

We finally arrived at the St. Lucie Inlet “Crossroads” where we turned off the ICW (MM987) and started up the St. Lucie River. There were lots and lots of very big multimillion dollar homes on the shoreline of the river. We even got to motor sail with the jib for a while. We had to pass under three bridges, two fixed high rise and one bascule. Just past the third bridge was our new “home port”, the mooring field of Southpoint Anchorage in Stuart, FL. We contacted the office via the VHF and got our mooring assignments. We picked up #82 and Larry is on #81. Day-O said so long and continued on to their condo/dock a couple of miles further up river. Our GPS trip odometer said we had traveled 1040 miles since leaving Portsmouth, VA.

We celebrated our arrival with a few drinks and sat on deck in the warmth just enjoying the views and a great sense of accomplishment. At dusk we went below and fixed dinner. Later Donna played on the computer and I sat out in the cockpit. In time exhaustion overtook us both and we fell asleep. Later, I awoke, went below, woke Donna and we both crawled into the V-berth and went back to sleep. It was a wonderfully peaceful night.

Location: Southpoint Anchorage, Stuart, FL. ICW marker: 987. Today’s progress: 43 Statute Miles
Total Distance Traveled: 1040 miles.
Weather Holds: 4 days
Sightseeing: 2 days (1 day and 2 half days)
Actual travel: 25 days

Average mileage per travel day: 42 Statute Miles

Our view North                

The view South

Looking East                        

Looking West

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