Buddy seems to finally be settling down. He hated the engine noise when we motored which was almost daily as we traveled south. Like most cats we read about, he headed for the vberth and hid behind some pillows or blanket when the motor started. Donna would bring him into the cockpit as we traveled but he never liked it, especially when forced to wear his PFD. 
On the mooring ball with no motor running, Buddy became more adverturous. Buddy would scare the bjesus out of us by jumping up on the bimini, the boom and later into the dinghy. He eventually developed three favorite spots, the boom, the bimini and the starboard side helmsman seat.He also made new friends. This one pelican seemed to delight in teasing him by floating close by the boat. He would also run all about to see the dolphins as they fed in the morning. We finally became more comfortable with Buddy running about the deck especially after his one and only splash down.
Thankfully, Buddy's splash down was a longtime in the making. It finally occured when he discovered the dinghy tied astern. The 10' painter allowed the dink to sail about in the breeze, but when there was no breeze it would occasionally drift up next to the boat. Never missing a chance to be curious, we were quite suprised to see him leap into the dinghy and walk about the tubes. On one occasion, a puff of breeze started to push the dink away and Buddy decided it was time to come back. As he pushed off with those powerful hind legs, the dink just scooted away and he fell short, ker-splash. Screaming "Cat in the Water" and reaching for a hereto unused dip net, I was amazed to see Buddy swim a few strokes, grab the boarding ladder and clamber aboard. Fortunately, I was able to grab him and prevent him from carrying a ton of river water below into the salon. Was he humbled and a little more cautious...yep, but not for long.
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